A Request for articles about African refugees around the world

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Request for Contributions

I am currently inviting submissions for a second edition of essays on the subject of refugees and African issues . The purpose of the publication is to initiate the study of refugees, exile and African issues in New Zealand universities, as well as to provide an overview of the different issues surrounding refugee issues. The focus of this edition will be the specific issues faced by black Africans and African refugees around the globe; however, submissions on more general topics concerning refugees, exile and diasporas are also welcomed. We invite contributions under the following topic headings:

The African Refugee Situation:

Contributors may choose any angle to write about, provided that the focus remains on black Africans and/or African refugees around the world. Authors may consider general concepts or focus on a particular subject such as internationally displaced persons, ecological refuges, etc.

Issues of Refugees and Exile:

Contributors may wish to write more generally about the issues of refugees and exile, separate to the African situation.  The maximum word limit for contributions is 10, 000 words.Contributions should be sent via email to Yilma Tafere Tasew, as a MS Word attachment. The author's biography must accompany each submission and should be limited to a maximum of 500 words.The final submission date is 15 November 2007. Successful contributors will receive a copy of the edition after publication and will retain the copyright to their work. It is possible that there will be no payment for the submissions.

Should you require any further information, please contact Yilma Taferew Tasew by email.

Email smileyilma@xtra.co.nz

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