Is Obama a Democrat?

Publié le par hort

This article shows how African people allowed themselves to be misled by the Obama election. Obama is exactly like George Bush except that his style is not abrasive, but they both work for the same system. If they both work for the same system, with the same objectives, why do we think that we are going to have different results from Obama.? I would encourage Mr. Philips to read some of the articles that were posted on this blog during the pre Obama election period so that he can have more realistic expectations and then he would be much less frustrated with President Obama..Hort

Is Obama a Democrat?

Michael Phillips,
Editor, Hot Calaloo

“A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds”


This is the last straw. President Obama, like George Bush, has refused to sign the international treaty  banning landmines.  He is like a garden full of weeds. We had such great expectations when we elected him. He filled us with the audacity of hope. He had not only the enthusiastic support of American people, but the whole world. I remember the euphoria of the inauguration. My niece, Jessica Phillips, had come all the way from England to witness the historic event and she captured it on video:


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But despite our hopes, he has proceeded to ignore true Democrats. Republicans should be ecstatic with him. For he has continued most of the notorious George Bush atrocities and followed Republican policies which would have done McCain proud, such as:

He has failed to end the Iraq war, and even if he does, he plans to leave 50,000 troops there in permanent occupation of that country.

He is increasing troops in Afghanistan completely ignoring thousands of petitions against that escalation from an array of groups who had worked tirelessly to elect him.

He continues to use drone aircraft to bomb civilians in both Afghanistan and Pakistan in their search for Al Qaeda

He was silent as Israel heaped terror on innocent men, women and children of Gaza , by bombing schools, hospitals, homes and trying to starve them out by blockade.

He has intervened to keep Democratic traitor Joe Lieberman as senate chairman

He has not intervened to stop or influence the resignation of his loyal impressive supporter Anthony van Jones as  as special adviser for green jobs for the Council on Environmental Quality

He has not intervened to stop or influence the resignation of White House Counsel Greg Craig, described as the “hero of Guantanamo ” for his pivotal role in urging the president to announce the closing of that hellhole.

He blocks every attempt to try  war criminals Bush, Cheney and others

He refused to ban extreme rendition

He is vague on torture or prosecuting for torture

He promises to close Guantanamo but it is still open

Prisoners are still held illegally in Guantanamo without trial for more than 8 years

Haiti ’s legitimate president Aristide that the US overthrew is still in exile

He renewed the illegal embargo on Cuba

He has signed an agreement for American troops of intimidation to occupy Columbian army bases

He has announced that like George Bush he will not sign a treaty on global warming

He refused to send a US rep to the 2009 World Conference Against Racism held in Geneva, Switzerland.

He reneged on his support for single payer healthcare plan for some convoluted plan which even with the public option will be a financial bonanza for insurance companies and burden the public coffers.

He forgave illegal wiretapping of American citizens

He made no move to stop or influence the stripping of federal funds from Acorn without any real investigation of acts committed by a couple part time employees who were not representative of  that great advocate of the poor.

Acorn is impoverished while Blackwater charged with crimes ranging from murder, illegal arms smuggling, and child prostitution and also expelled by the Iraq government continues to draw more than $174 million in "security services" alone in Iraq and Afghanistan and tens of millions more in "aviation services".


Based on his record, I predict:

He will not close Guantanamo

He will not end the occupation of Iraq by August 31, 2010 as he promised

He will not end the war in Afghanistan

He will continue sheltering potential war criminals from trial

He will drop at least two more loyal hard-working Democrats because of Republican or Fox News criticism

He will name Glen Beck to his staff (No….just kidding)


Obama is very intelligent, eloquent and charismatic. What good is it for the president to be very intelligent, eloquent, charismatic and black like me, but act like Clarence Thomas? Obama has been stringing us along while carrying out Republican policies. According to the Bible, “ By their fruits ye shall know them”. Well that Democratic tree has been bearing Republican fruits. So, is Obama a Democrat or a Republican mole? Democrats wanted peace and prosperity, but Obama has adopted the Republican policy of endless war and conquest. For God’s sake, give back the Iraqis their country or return the Nobel Peace prize.

White backlash has always been a big asset for Republicans. Obama has certainly energized the substantial racist base of the Republican which can be counted on to come out in great numbers to vote against him. Many Democrats on the other hand, who came out in huge numbers, many for the first time, all full of hope for real change, are bound to stay home in disillusionment. So, if things continue the same way, get ready for President Sarah Palin. I hope it is not too late.


Michael Phillips: Author, Boycott Money and Save Your Soul

Publié dans geostrategy

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