Nubians to protest dam murder in front of white house

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Nubians rally in front of the White House

Lafayette Park - Saturday September 8, 2007
 - from 1.00-3.00 pm

The Rescue Nubia and Resist Kajbar Dam Committee ( RNARKDC)- US chapter will organize a peaceful rally in front of the White House on September 8, 2007 between 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm at the lafayette Park to protest the killings of June 13, 2007 at the proposed dam site of Kajbar and to alert the US government, Congress, United Nations and the international community to the dangers of building dams in Nubia and destroying the antiquities and archaeological sites of Nubia. The rally aims at attracting the attention to the dangers of flooding Nubian lands by proposed dams at Kajbar, Dal, Akasha and Tumbus following the signing of the Four Freedoms Agreement between governments of Sudan and Egypt in year 2005 which allows relocation of millions of Egyptian farmers in the Sudanese Nubian lands, beside the secret sell out of the Nubian lands along the River Nile to wealthy Arabs and other investors.

The Rescue Nubia and Resist kajbar Dam Committee invites all Nubians, members of the Sudanese Marginalized Forces Forum for peace and development, all Sudanese political parties and civil society organizations, the African American organizations, Human rights organization and all friends of Nubia to join the rally and extend their support to the Nubians in their struggle to survive and preserve their historical and archaeological wealth from destruction.

Information Desk
Rescue Nubia and Resist Kajbar Dam Committee
151 Danbury Street SW
Washington, DC


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