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Réactions au Tchernobyl Antillais

A.R.M.A.D.A Agir pour les Réparations Maintenant pour les Africains et Descendants d'Africains assoc.armada@yahoo.fr Empoisonnement, Corruption, Pillage Noirs des Antilles et d’Afrique : Ensemble Obligeons-les à Réparer ! Pour la métropole coloniale :...

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Le Tchernobyl Antillais

Des pesticides à l'origine d'un "désastre sanitaire" aux Antilles françaises 17/09/07 PARIS (AFP) L'utilisation massive de certains pesticides a provoqué un "désastre sanitaire" aux Antilles françaises, mettant en danger l'ensemble de leur population,...

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Mental and Military Battlegrounds

Mental and Military Battlegrounds By Ezrah Aharone I nstead of saying something typical like, “testing 1-2-3,” to check his microphone for a radio broadcast, Ronald Reagan once jokingly said, he had “Signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever...

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Why Western rhetoric can't sway SADC

http://www.herald.co.zw/inside.aspx?sectid=23733&cat=10 Why Western rhetoric can’t sway Sadc By Caesar Zvayi SADC once again confounded detractors by unequivocally expressing solidarity with the Government and people of Zimbabwe at the 27th summit of...

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